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Lyme Disease

12/2/13 @ 8:37 PM
Brent Hess
Brent Hess
PRO MEMBER User since 12/18/07
Given that most of us are avid outdoorsmen, I thought this was worth passing on.   The overwhelming majority of folks with Lyme disease have no idea what they have, and many times end up with a false diagnosis of Fibromyalgia, or no diagnosis at all.  Now that I finally have a diagnosis of advanced Lyme disease (about 4 months now), I’ve ran across two people with similar symptoms, who as it turns out, also have Lyme disease.   Lyme disease is showing up in more and more people every year.   The Milwaukee Journal recently ran a story about this on the front page.   Lyme disease is misunderstood by most physicians, and the standard test for Lyme disease is only accurate around 60% of the time.   Here is how it started for me…. About 4 years ago I began to have aches and pains in weird places – shooting pains in the back of my head, shin, and forearm.   This went on for a year or so.  Nobody could figure out what it was, so I just dealt with it.  My primary care physician gave me an Elisa Lyme test.  It showed no Lyme infection, so he told me to take Advil when it got too bad.   Over the next year my ears began to ring, and my joints (hips, elbows, knees) began to hurt.  I went to a Neurologist, and a Rheumatoid doctor, they also gave me an Elisa Lyme test, which again turned out negative.  By this time, I was beginning to realize that something was seriously wrong with me, only nobody could find it.  I was tired with limited energy most days.   I had MRI’s and Cscans, arthritis tests, MS tests, and a dozen others that I can't recall – no one could find a darn thing wrong with me.   Slowly but surely, in addition to the symptoms noted above, new symptoms showed up steadily for the next two years.  I began to have GI problems coupled with chest pain.  I went through all sorts of GI tests from an upper GI endoscopy, to a test for esophagitis, to esophageal spasms.  All turned up negative.  Then my heart began to beat erratically, and I underwent a nuclear stress test.  Again, nobody could find a darn thing wrong with me.   Then this past Summer, things got so bad that I would get turned around in the town where I live, and had a hard time remembering how to get to my house, I was easily confused.  I felt like I was walking around in a daze.  I had a hard time thinking, and it became difficult to get out of bed.   The worst symptom I had was a feeling of anxiety in my chest.  Not sure how to describe it – I felt like I was going on trial for Capital Murder the next day.   It was just plain horrible.   It came to head when I was driving with my wife and kids (in the town that I live in), and I went the wrong way down a one way street.  Thank heavens nobody was coming. My wife talked me into going to Mayo - somebody had to be able to figure out what was wrong with me.     I ended up confiding in a coworker that I was going to take a leave of absence, and was going to Mayo to see if they could figure out what was wrong with me.  I was beyond desperate at this point.  I truly thought I was dying.  I hurt absolutely everywhere, my BP  was 150 over 110, I was anxious all the time.   Thank the lord my co-worker had some experience with Lyme, and pointed me to the right doctor.  I was skeptical because I had already tested negative for Lyme 3 times by 3 different doctors. Even though I was skeptical, I made the appointment.  The Lyme doctor gave me a CD57 test, which is an extremely effective test for Lyme disease.   The doctor explained that the Lyme test that is typically given by a general MD is extremely inaccurate, and should not be relied upon when a negative diagnosis is given. At any rate, the CD57 test works like this:   A level of less than 20 will put you in a wheelchair, a level of 20 to 60 is an extremely active infection, 60 to 150 represents  a Lyme infection, and anything above 200 is considered normal.  I had a 42.  I can’t even imagine the poor guy who has less than 20. I’ve been on Doxycycline for 3.5 months now and am slowly recovering.   Here is the really crazy part.  After I received a Lyme diagnosis I happened to see my cousin camping, who I do not see frequently.  Before he sat down to the campfire he started stretching, then began to tell me how bad he hurts.  After I listened, I told him to go see a Lyme specialist, his symptoms were spot on with mine.  Oddly enough, as it turns out, he had Lyme disease too.  Then while working with an outside contractor at work, one of the guys was telling me about his sudden aches and pains.  They were not spot on with mine, but pretty close.  He also ended up with a diagnosis of Lyme.  Both my cousin and the contractor had been tested previously for Lyme and tested negative.   I figure, as many of us on this site who spend a considerable time outdoors, I can’t be the only one, and thought I would share what I know.  Lyme manifests itself in so many different ways.  I don’t ever recall being bit by a tick, I never had a bullseye rash, I just started to get symptoms.   I can't tell you how awesome it was to finally get a definitive diagnosis.
Displaying 46 to 60 of 272 posts
6/26/22 @ 6:47 PM
BâssÂddîçt ©¸
BâssÂddîçt ©¸
PRO MEMBER User since 6/15/01

And yes I did have the bull size rash

That's why they thought I had lymes from a get-go

6/26/22 @ 6:45 PM
BâssÂddîçt ©¸
BâssÂddîçt ©¸
PRO MEMBER User since 6/15/01

I got limes in the '80s they kept sending my lap results up to University of Madison but this was a long time ago results kept coming unconclusive

I was starting to  high fevers I finally said is the treatment going to kill me they finally decided to throw the whole kitchen sink at me I the Rocky mountain spotted ticker treatment the the current treatment for lymes and antibiotics

I've been fine ever since

6/26/22 @ 6:45 PM
User since 9/17/16

Yes Brent, I’m glad I was able to connect the dots and the rash showed up.  Without that I’d probably not connect it to Lymes.  It was timed so perfectly with that tetanus shot I’d have thought for sure that was it.  Will see what the doc says but it seems like a certainty to me with basically every one of the classic symptoms.  Even took a couple of Covid tests wondering if I ran in to that again.

6/26/22 @ 6:33 PM
Brent Hess
Brent Hess
PRO MEMBER User since 12/18/07


I don’t remember getting bit either, or having a bull’s-eye rash, I just continued to get worse and worse every year starting around 2009, until I was finally diagnosed in 2013.

Also, as time goes on, the center of the bull’s-eye goes away, and it can fill-in to just a shaded area, or just a circle with no bullseye in the middle. 

About 40% of the folks with Lyme never pulled a tick off them, or noticed a rash. 

Here are some pics of different variations of the Bullseye rash.

Also, the Elisha Lyme test (most common test for Lyme) misses about 37% of cases. 

It can be a really scary deal for sure…

6/26/22 @ 6:20 PM
User since 9/17/16

I think I’ve got it now, will call doc tomorrow.  Went in for normal checkup last week and was due for a tetanus shot so I said yeah give it to me.  The next day I have sore muscles, sore joints, headache, and chills.  After looking up tetanus shot side effects, I assumed it was a reaction to the tetanus shot.  Ibuprofen seems to fix the symptoms and I keep thinking eventually I’m going to get over the reaction to the shot.  However fast forward 4 days and nothings changed.  In the shower I notice a 4 inch  not quite bullseye around what I thought was just a bug bite on my thigh a couple of weeks back.  I thought that bite was odd because I didn’t remember getting bit, just noticed a welt one day.  Now it all makes sense.

6/26/22 @ 5:32 PM
User since 1/27/17

Leachster I hope so , kicked my ass. Never a clue until my wife told  rumatologist to test me because the dog had it. I was lucky doxy fixed it. 9 months  of it. I'll be first in line for the shot, those little bugs love me.

6/26/22 @ 5:32 PM
Brent Hess
Brent Hess
PRO MEMBER User since 12/18/07
6/26/22 @ 5:23 PM
PRO MEMBER User since 1/22/21

Yea Brent, When I got Lymes,it was a heat wave outside, and I actually thought I might die in the 1st couple of days of torture. You know how it feels. I sure hope the up and coming Vaccines will protect against all that other stuff!?!? 

6/26/22 @ 5:06 PM
BâssÂddîçt ©¸
BâssÂddîçt ©¸
PRO MEMBER User since 6/15/01

Mr Hess can you provide me a link to that chart

6/26/22 @ 3:47 PM
Brent Hess
Brent Hess
PRO MEMBER User since 12/18/07

Some of the most awful things that ticks carry there are no tests for, diagnosis is clinical. 

The average deer ticks carries 24 piroplasms other than Lyme to include some of the ones listed in the attached chart!

You can test negative for Lyme, but have something equally as nasty, with no test given to prove it…

Luckily Doxy kills most all of them!

Lyme Disease photo by Plmlk
6/26/22 @ 3:05 PM
User since 1/27/17

My sons best friend is in the icu with babesiosis its a tick born illness from deer ticks nasty nasty stuff. Keep yourselves sprayed.

4/19/22 @ 7:55 PM
Brent Hess
Brent Hess
PRO MEMBER User since 12/18/07

Gets worse every year RC!

We have lone star ticks in WI now too, and they are the deer ticks nasty cousin.  

4/19/22 @ 7:51 PM
User since 3/17/09

We had wood ticks in Adams co. 55 years ago 

4/19/22 @ 7:47 PM
User since 10/3/12

50 years ago never heard of any ticks south hwy 29 

and up north only had wood ticks not deer ticks

thats my recollection anyway. Some of you guys might have better info

4/19/22 @ 7:19 PM
User since 1/27/17

Had my first deer tic of the year on me three weeks ago,  there are loads in the southern part of the state.  

Went 9 or 10 months  undegnosed myself about 10 years ago.  No fun, it kicked my hinie. 

The one thing I do now is I really watch for the symptoms. I had them all the last time I just didn't realize it.  Sore neck, pounding headache and so on.  Oh and incredibly tired all the time. I have reumitoid arthritis and they confused it with that. There are differences. 

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