General Outdoor Discussion


4/14/15 @ 9:36 PM
User since 1/25/06
Just wondering who picks and when you start picking. For some great reason I get a kick out of it. Last year was more of a learning opportunity and I was fairly discouraged. However, I stuck with it and managed to map out/mark on a GPS over 300 areas with plants on different road around my house...Hoping this is the ticket.
Displaying 46 to 60 of 108 posts
5/5/21 @ 5:19 PM
User since 1/27/17

Gordonsetterman is correct. 

Found some mature stuff in southern walworth county,  in the ditches.

5/5/21 @ 8:39 AM
PRO MEMBER User since 12/15/08

Me thinks the lady on Facebook will find out she doesn’t own the ditch or to the centerline of the road when her county/township or the energy company in her area decides to do some work.........just like the people who have a pier on a public lake don’t own the water underneath it. 

5/5/21 @ 7:43 AM
User since 3/5/18

Fishlovme.... that is absolutely legal. typically a 33' right of way from centerline of road, that 33' is "Dedicated to the Public" in most cases

5/5/21 @ 5:52 AM
User since 12/10/09

i need to find me some wild asparagus, havent been lucky to find a spot the few times ive gone looking. have some growing in the garden but after 4 yrs still no mature plants to harvest.

5/4/21 @ 10:32 PM
User since 2/27/09

this is one of those depends where your at questions and who is responsible for mowing that ditch, if they ask you to leave i'd just go on to the next spot

5/4/21 @ 8:39 PM
waltereye sr.
User since 6/25/01

Absolutely legal. We don't pick in front of people's homes though,  as we figure they are cutting already. Good luck

5/4/21 @ 2:27 PM
PRO MEMBER User since 6/22/01

Does anyone know if it's legal to pick wild asparagus within the road right of way?  I had a lady on Facebook claim to me that I am trespassing if I pick within the road right of way, and that she owns to the centerline of the road.  I knew about ownership, but I thought within the road right of way there are certain rights?  

Anyhow, I've been finding some in my usual spots alongside the roadways, but a few spots I've normally gotten some didn't have any yet.

4/24/21 @ 9:17 PM
User since 1/19/03

Picked my first meals worth right before the freeze.. this is the second year in a row that I lost some to a late freeze.  Quite a bit looking through now and next weeks warmth and rain should really get things going

6/2/20 @ 12:13 PM
ole 870
User since 6/27/01

Does anyone know what the official laws are for picking ditch asparagus in Wisconsin? Does it vary by county, by roadway, or what? Some people are very protective of their so-called "private ditch patch" and I was just wondering who is in the right or wrong.

5/31/20 @ 11:26 PM
PRO MEMBER User since 6/22/01

I also picked some wild asparagus just last weekend.  A lot of patches I know of along the side of the road were too tall already, but I found some, enough to make two meals.  I picked asparagus in my raised bed for the last time tonight, I'll now let it grow for the year.

5/30/20 @ 8:02 PM
Formerly the big guy
PRO MEMBER User since 10/3/11

Between yesterday and today I picked enough for a meal. A lot of the asparagus has gone to seed. These were wild off the side of the road. We're in central Wisconsin.

5/29/19 @ 12:23 PM
PRO MEMBER User since 6/22/01
I'm in my third year of growing some in a 4'x4' raised bed.  I have 3 rows, 4 plants in each row, 3 different varities.  In between the rows I planted strawberries to allow for less weeding. So far so good.  I'm just about done picking for the year now.  I got about 4 or 5 pickings.  Should have been more but the weather has been so screwy this year!
5/7/19 @ 10:45 AM
wack'em & stack'em
User since 3/13/10

picked 1/2lb yesterday. most spots either they were just poppin thru or nothing.

4/28/19 @ 6:40 AM
User since 1/19/03

Southern rock  county 

4/26/19 @ 10:02 PM
User since 1/19/03

Picked my first round today about 10 spears lots more poking through

Displaying 46 to 60 of 108 posts
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