General Discussion

Vegetable Garden

6/30/04 @ 1:47 PM
User since 6/15/01
Who's got one ? what are you growing ? and how's it coming along? Mine consists of sweet corn , cabbage , brussel sprouts, cauliflower, broccoli ,cucumbers, zucchini, peas, tomatoes , peppers , acorn squash, pumpkins, and assorted spices. The cold wet weather hasn't been very conducive to good growth so far for me. But with warmer weather in the forecast things should turn out. I hope those of you growing fair better.

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TODAY @ 7:59 PM
PRO MEMBER User since 11/5/17
TODAY @ 6:10 PM
PRO MEMBER User since 6/22/01
Carpio those are male flowers on your cukes.  You'll get a lot of male flowers before female flowers usually start producing.  They're meant to start attracting the bees though.  Once the female flowers form you'll notice little cucumbers on the ends before the flower, but there will also be a flower on it. You can hand pollinate those if you don't see any bees around.
TODAY @ 5:40 PM
PRO MEMBER User since 11/5/17
My Cherokee doing great as is my green pepper plant with 2 walnut size peppers on it.   My cukes not so good, I get flowers but then they drop off.
Vegetable Garden photo by Carpio
Vegetable Garden photo by Carpio
Vegetable Garden photo by Carpio
TODAY @ 4:58 PM
PRO MEMBER User since 5/11/03
Stopped by the local plant place today to see what they still had. Picked up a Cherokee Purple tomato plant the may grow to 9 ft tall, should go good next to my Amish Paste which may get that big. Also got a Poblano Ancho pepper plant, I like to try a few new things every year.
6/6/24 @ 8:51 PM
Bassmaster+recordracks 2
Bassmaster+recordracks 2
PRO MEMBER User since 7/24/20
You don’t want this boys and girls. This is gonna be a massive onion, but it will be have to be eaten right away. It will not last. The neck is way too large. But will monitor this one. This should be bigger than a softball for sure.
Vegetable Garden photo by Bassmaster+recordracks 2
6/6/24 @ 6:53 PM
Bassmaster+recordracks 2
Bassmaster+recordracks 2
PRO MEMBER User since 7/24/20
Should I stay or should I go? Should I stay or should I go?
6/6/24 @ 6:17 PM
PRO MEMBER User since 6/22/01
I only had a few that I started from seed that made it this year. They're much smaller but I'm sure they'll start to catch up.
Vegetable Garden photo by Fishlovme
6/6/24 @ 6:13 PM
PRO MEMBER User since 6/22/01
Texas 1015Y Supersweets are starting to bulb. Can't believe how many blades are on this one! Do I continue to fertilize now that they've started bulbing or do I stop?
Vegetable Garden photo by Fishlovme
6/6/24 @ 12:45 PM
Bassmaster+recordracks 2
Bassmaster+recordracks 2
PRO MEMBER User since 7/24/20
What about onions? What about beans? Why do we even have bees?
6/6/24 @ 12:00 PM
User since 12/19/11
I blame ​"Bee Movie" for my lack of knowledge there. Ever since watching that movie and seeing ​what happened ​when the bees stopped working I just assumed they were solely reliable ​for pollination   
If you haven't seen it, great movie!
6/6/24 @ 11:57 AM
PRO MEMBER User since 6/22/01
Junkie peppers are the same way. The flowers are both male and female in the same flower is my understanding.  Quick Google search confirms that all nightshade plants are self pollinating 
Vegetable Garden photo by Fishlovme
6/6/24 @ 11:12 AM
User since 12/19/11
I've never heard that tomatoes are pollinated by wind, I ​always thought ​it was just corn that relied on the wind. ​I think that reinforces the importance of trellising tomatoes then to ​let the wind do its job. Learning new things all the time!
6/6/24 @ 11:02 AM
PRO MEMBER User since 3/9/11
oldhunter, my wife makes between 15&20 jar's  of raspberry jam a year, depending on the yield. Gives 95% away. She doesn't even eat jam. She just loves to cook and bake. Same goes for the pickles and zucchini bread.
6/6/24 @ 9:35 AM
PRO MEMBER User since 6/22/01
Carpio no worries about your tomato flowers. They are self pollinating by wind. Yes bees can pollinate tomato flowers but for the most part the toamtoes will pollinate themselves. 
6/6/24 @ 8:42 AM
PRO MEMBER User since 6/22/01
I'm slowly getting more planted in my gardens. About 20 more pepper plants, 4 tomato plants, a row of beans and some lettuce to go yet. I planted last night until the rain started. The soil is pretty moist in all of my gardens but seems to be draining pretty well - no standing water or anything. When planting one of my tomato plants last night I dug a little too deep and got into some buried fish guts (which were mostly broken down already, surprisingly), but man did that smell! Hope I get some beautiful tomatoes off that plant!
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