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Kids going off to college

8/23/16 @ 9:07 PM
Brent Hess
Brent Hess
PRO MEMBER User since 12/18/07

So my oldest is off to college later this week - Sunday is move in day, and he'll be in a different state.  I have to say I'm really struggling (in a positive way)

I have two boys and over the years we have done everything together, fishing, camping, snowmobiling, kayaking, deer hunting, duck hunting, ice fishing, Pheasant Forever hunts, the list goes on, my boys have always been my closest buds.  I really can't believe my first born is leaving the nest. 

I'm of course a proud Dad,  and glad he's off to find his own way, but if I'm being honest, I'm just not ready to see my oldest leave the house.

For you guys who have already been through it any words of wisdom?

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5/16/24 @ 8:02 PM
User since 12/30/13
Ie…..she is faster than me , I was quick back in the day , but not long distance., must of got from her mom….. net.
5/16/24 @ 7:42 PM
User since 12/30/13
Daughter is off to grand valley, Michigan in August, track scholarship after setting many school records at Harper….. proud dad.
5/16/24 @ 7:38 PM
User since 8/12/20
Sent my little girl off to the medical program at college 8 years ago. This weekend she graduates with a doctorate.
She already has been hired as a doctor with a private practice. I am damn proud of her!
3/16/24 @ 4:58 PM
PRO MEMBER User since 12/9/08
Thanks everyone for the comments - definitely appreciated.  I will say the whole parental experience with all 3 of our children has been a real "faith walk" for my wife and me.  Nothing is ever guaranteed, and I personally never cared what my kids ended up doing as long as they were honest, hardworking, happy with what they chose to pursue, and treated people with respect and dignity.   
3/16/24 @ 10:03 AM
User since 1/18/11
Good luck to all of you whose kids leaving nest!
Trust me you’ll hear from them, frosh year moving them into dorms on hot September days. Taking them to Wally to score needed items, putting everything from tv stands to clothes racks together, buying meals. Course I had daughters, maybe boys more skilled. 
One went to Stout, one to UWM. Be careful at those state schools -every prof there is diehard democrat. Luckily my daughter from Stout went off to Charleston SC to become Fox tv producer. More of a republican than most! Sadly other child never wavered from the brainwashing she received, we still can tolerate one another, but only a couple of days.. haha She is however a great success, has several jobs she does from home, and at 27 makes more than I ever did. Squirrels it away too, so I can spend her inheritance…I put in plenty of $$$ to get the two thru four years each, it delayed both my & wife's retirements. But we wouldn’t change it cause our Wisconsin schools gave em both education that transformed into great employment. Although pollically ruined one haha 

3/16/24 @ 7:53 AM
PRO MEMBER User since 2/8/06
Congratulations SM!
Both you and your daughter have something to be very proud of. That’s a huge accomplishment for you and her. The best of luck to her!
3/16/24 @ 7:39 AM
PRO MEMBER User since 9/11/02
   As a fellow parent I’m proud of you and for you!

PS- I accidentally liked my own post.
3/16/24 @ 6:38 AM
PRO MEMBER User since 9/16/01
Congrats to both you,& your wife SM.

Most of all, congratulations to your daughter!

Super great news!!
3/15/24 @ 7:46 PM
Brent Hess
Brent Hess
PRO MEMBER User since 12/18/07
Love it!  That's awesome SM!  Congrats!

You're a huge part of that, you're such a good Dad! 
3/15/24 @ 7:44 PM
PRO MEMBER User since 12/9/08
After graduating from Med School and a year conducting research, my oldest daughter landed her 1st choice program as an Orthopedic Surgery resident.  Way to go kiddo.   What a long haul.  4 years college, 4 years Med School, 5 years residency, 1 year fellowship...then practice.
5/30/23 @ 9:15 AM
PRO MEMBER User since 12/21/04
Proud dad moment. Went out to Ithaca New York late Thursday for Daughters Graduation. She received a Merrill award, top 1 percent of her class?. Her High School teacher drove all the way out there last Monday . Not really sure what the actual award is but she chose a Teacher and a Professor that have helped her succeed in school. 4.06 gpa and 0 dept. Starting work in Chicago middle of June. Anyone know of anyone renting out anything on the north side of Chicago let me know lol. She has a place until she finds something. Had to fly back with my Son late Sunday night out of Syracuse so he could march in the Memorial Day parade for the last time. He's off to FIT, "Florida Institute of Technology", in August. Was really hoping he would be closer, but not a lot of college's have what he wants to study.
Kids going off to college photo by mudbucket
Kids going off to college photo by mudbucket
Kids going off to college photo by mudbucket
8/13/22 @ 12:41 AM
User since 8/24/07

One of my twins graduated from Arizona State in December. That was pretty awesome. His brother is still trying to figure out what he wants to do. Our youngest will graduate from Iowa in December. It’s bittersweet. I loved watching them head out to school. I paid 100% for all of it. No loans and zero financial aid.  I love spending time fishing and hunting with them. Whatever they decide to do is good with me.  

8/12/22 @ 9:51 PM
User since 8/8/11

Helped daughter number two move out of Madison and down to Chicago a few weeks ago.  First time in 6 years we have no kids at Madison.

bittersweet, I guess!!!!!

8/11/22 @ 7:42 AM
User since 2/7/06

Dropped off daughter (oldest) at South Carolina yesterday.  Nice looking campus, but the humidity and heat were way too much for me.

8/10/22 @ 7:26 PM
Brent Hess
Brent Hess
PRO MEMBER User since 12/18/07

You are an awesome dad SM!

Your kid’s values, drive, and moral compass are a direct reflection on you and your bride, and how you raised them - well done my friend!

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